LAT - Project-wide asynchronous loading
I am running into LAT issues quite often, even on relatively simple lenses. I feel like the push for a low LAT is going to lead to lots of very low quality, simple lenses because maintaining a low-enough LAT introduces complexity into the project. Currently I will finish up a lens, turn it into a prefab, then use the scene manager to load it asynchronously. It works, but it leads to a very clunky developer experience because now I have to remember to apply my prefab changes and then disable the prefab again so that the scene manager is the thing loading it. If LAT is such a huge issue, from my end it would be nice if I could just check a box in Project Settings to load the entire lens asynchronously. Or at the very least be less strict about it and maybe just let me know that my lens stats might be affected due to a poor LAT rather than reject the lens or restrict the reach.
Building complex lenses is already a challenge in and of itself without needing to structure the project in specific ways to satisfy LAT requirements. I am cognizant of lens performance and optimize where I can, but it is really frustrating to get to the publishing stage and have some back and forth while I pack everything into a prefab. The most recent lens I had to do this for consisted of a head-tracked 3D object, an extra render target for an effect, a 2D bitmoji, and a hint. I don't feel like that should be ending up with restricted reach without using the scene manager. It is immensely frustrating.

Hey Mike,
Your post has spurred important discussions, We will continue to update you as we find additional ways to improve LAT including reviewing your thoughts here.