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Welcome to the Lens Studio 5.0 Feedback Portal!

This is a place for all Snap AR users to put in their feedback on Lens Studio 5.0, to discuss this feedback with other users!

We are excited about the release of Lens Studio 5.0 and as we progress through this open beta --we want to collect your feedback in one place.


1. This portal is NOT for support and NOT for feedback on the Snap app that doesn't relate to Augmented Reality feedback. OFF TOPIC POSTS WILL BE DELETED

2. Before posting feedback, please check to make sure your feedback point hasn't already been entered by someone else. It helps us significantly if each feedback point is consolidated to a single thread so our teams can get the fullest picture possible!

3. We can't guarantee to respond or action on your feedback. We will do our best to be responsive but Lens studio is a complicated piece of software that spans many teams and stakeholders. Our mission to continue to improve Lens Studio is one that we take seriously and we will do the best we can.